Orthodontic Milestones: When to Start Your Child’s Treatment with a Bakersfield Specialist
Bakersfield, CA


Bakersfield orthodontist
By STURZ & ABBY | January 29, 2024

Ensuring your child’s oral health is a top priority, and part of that includes monitoring their orthodontic development. Many parents wonder when is the right time to start orthodontic treatment for their kids. In Bakersfield, there are specialists dedicated to pediatric orthodontics who can guide you through this journey. Let’s explore the essential milestones and considerations when determining the optimal time to initiate orthodontic treatment for your child.

Early Assessment:

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children have their first orthodontic evaluation by the age of 7. This is an important milestone as it allows orthodontists to identify potential issues early on and take preventive measures. Bakersfield parents can schedule a consultation with a specialist to assess their child’s dental development and detect any emerging problems.

Addressing Common Issues:

Several common orthodontic issues may become apparent during this initial assessment. These include crowded or crooked teeth, problems with jaw growth, and bite irregularities. Addressing these concerns early can prevent more severe issues in the future and may reduce the overall duration and complexity of treatment.

Importance of Baby Teeth:

While baby teeth are temporary, they play a crucial role in guiding the eruption of permanent teeth. Early orthodontic intervention can help ensure that the baby teeth create enough space for the permanent ones to come in properly. Bakersfield orthodontists for kids specialize in understanding the unique needs of growing smiles, providing tailored solutions to address these issues effectively.

Phase I Treatment:

In some cases, orthodontists may recommend Phase I or early interceptive treatment for children. This type of treatment is designed to address specific orthodontic issues during a child’s growth phase, usually between the ages of 7 and 11. Bakersfield parents can learn about the potential benefits of Phase I treatment, such as correcting bite problems, guiding jaw growth, and creating space for permanent teeth.

Monitoring Growth and Development:

Orthodontic milestones are closely tied to a child’s growth and development. Bakersfield orthodontists use advanced techniques and technologies to monitor these changes over time. Regular check-ups allow them to track the progress of your child’s orthodontic development, ensuring that any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan can be made promptly.

Braces and Beyond:

If orthodontic treatment is recommended for your child, Bakersfield specialists offer a range of options beyond traditional braces. Modern orthodontic technology includes alternatives like clear aligners and ceramic braces, providing discreet and comfortable options for children. Your orthodontist will discuss the best treatment approach based on your child’s unique needs and lifestyle.

Parental Involvement:

Parents play a crucial role in their child’s orthodontic journey. Understanding the milestones and actively participating in the treatment plan can contribute to its success. Bakersfield orthodontists encourage open communication with parents, addressing any concerns and keeping them informed about their child’s progress throughout the treatment.


In Bakersfield, starting your child’s orthodontic treatment at the right time is key to ensuring a healthy and beautiful smile. By recognizing orthodontic milestones and seeking early evaluation, parents can take proactive steps to address potential issues. With the guidance of a specialized orthodontist for kids in Bakersfield, you can set your child on the path to optimal oral health and a confident, radiant smile.

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